You are designed to Thrive.



Is the stress of life causing you to feel you are just surviving and not thriving? Do you want to live a happy, healthy, thriving life? Have you seen doctors without finding answers? Our philosophy:

First Do No Harm: Work with the design of the body to allow the body to do what it already knows how to do.ô  Trust the body〙s inherent wisdom to heal itself.

Identify the Causes: Every illness has an underlying cause.ô  Traditional Naturopathic Practitioners are trained to find and treat the underlying cause of dis-ease.ô

Treat the Whole Person: View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical, emotional and spiritual dimensions.

Practitioner as Teacher: Educate for achieving and maintaining health.

Prevention: Focus on overall health, wellness and prevention, utilizing cutting edge technology to create the life that you dream of.


With a decade in naturopathic medicine and over 15 years studying the brain, Marilyn Greenman, TND combines ancient methods with modern technology to create custom-designed treatment plans.

As a Traditional Naturopathic Doctor, Marilyn Greenman combines ancient methods with modern technology.ô  Marilyn is a graduate of Colorado Christian University and has a Doctorate from Trinity School of Natural Health.ô  Her lifelong obsession with the mind and body has led her to investigate how the brain and the body come together to create a joyful and exuberant life or a life of pain and suffering.ô ô

Over a decade as a Naturopath and healer doesn〙t begin to cover over 40 years of study and passion for the mind/body connection. She is always seeking new technology to combine with ancient wisdom to create the easiest and fastest track to healing.

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Receiving optimal care is simple:


Choose and schedule services for your appointment by clicking “Schedule Now”.



If you are a new client, follow the 〜New Client〝 link below and make sure to bring in initial paperwork to your very first appointment.

New Client


Come into the Center to start a new phase in your life.

We will create a uniquely designed treatment plan for you including:

A session in the Harmonic Eggô 

An evaluation of your specific needs and desires.

A physical assessment using non-invasive Applied Kinesiology


Choose from a variety of holistic health services to receive on your next visit

  • Harmonic Egg Session
  • New Client Consultation
  • In Light Therapeutic Light Session
  • Computer Health Scan & Analysis
  • Physical Health Scan
  • Emotional Clearing
  • Energy Healing Session
  • MAP Coaching Session
  • Remote Egg Healing Session
  • Allergy Desensitization

*Click “View All Services” below to view each service. Then click on any service to receive specific information and details.

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In the spirit of Naturopathic medicine, our primary goal is to provide an understanding of the design of the body.

Naturopathy incorporates the physical, emotional and spiritual processes of the body in order for healing to occur.ô  If the physical body is unwell, the emotional body is also not 100%. If the emotional body is under stress, the physical body suffers.ô

The body is absolutely designed to heal itself. You are designed to know what your body is trying to tell you. At Harmonic Health Solutions LLC, we apply an approach that addresses the whole person rather than symptoms. We combine the latest in modern technology with the wisdom of ancient healing.ô

This client-centered approach addresses the whole person. We incorporate the disciplines of nutrition, supplements, homeopathy, emotional clearing and wellness, the study of the brain and the latest technology into a treatment plan created just for you.ô

Our state-of-the-art technology includes Polychromatic LED Light Therapy for pain and circulation.ô

We are also home to the Harmonic Egg which is a sound, light and color Bio-energetic Resonance Chamber. The client receives an energy therapy that allows the body to reset and heal. It is a precisely controlled, consistent, and repeatable process that promotes the body〙s ability to heal itself.ô ô

HHS provides a computer generated program that will search the body〙s frequencies to determine if there are any vitamin or mineral deficiencies, which allows the client to take what is needed rather than purchase a medicine cabinet full of supplements.ô

Through an overall allergy treatment process, we are able to help eliminate or de-sensitive allergies.ô

Emotional clearing and therapies are available for treatment of anxiety, depression and emotional trauma. Negative emotions can be a source of dis-ease if they get trapped in the body. As humans, we are designed to feel and release emotions. The body is a flow system. We breathe in and out. We take in nutrition and release wastes. It is the same with emotions.ô

At HHS, we use techniques designed to release old stuck emotions from the past, as well as recent trauma or heartache. We combine processes to create an easy and fast way to release past events.

After studying the brain for the past 15 years, Marilyn has created a program to understand and take control of negative thoughts. As a student of the mind, she will help you to learn how to thrive and not just survive.

These tools allow client and provider to work together to develop an integrated therapeutic plan that will best address the whole person.

The body is designed to heal itself. When we get a cut or a scrape the body goes into action to heal the wound. All organ systems are designed to naturally heal, given the right tools.ô

With 9 years as a Traditional Naturopathic Doctor and decades of personal study, Marilyn will use these ancient methods along with the latest technology to bring you to a new phase of health. Through the accepted method of Applied Kinesiology, we are able to understand and create a uniquely designed treatment process for you.

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